Wednesday, September 14, 2016

Lake Carl Blackwell Stillwater Oklahoma

The Texas Tornados loaded up the mules and headed north to Cowboy country.  NASMA was having a VTP ride at Lake Carl Blackwell and Oklahoma State University (OSU) was having parent weekend so it was a win win for the Valdez family.  Bryan and Megan went to the game and Rooster and I hit the trails.
                                              Joyce, Patty, Carol

We also had a birthday girl at camp Sherri she was turning 29 again! Happy Birthday Sherri!
                                               Aubrey picked out the cupcakes!

When we got to camp we were greeted by the Gypsy Gals aka Steel Magnolias aka Rowdy Girls.  I think they had been kicked out of a couple of clubs but they sure gave the Texas Tornados a run for their money.  These gals had come in on Thursday and was making the most of their time away from Kansas.  Pam Bennet, Triston and Aubrey had taken a short ride that afternoon and came across a rattlesnake and a lot of deer but they said the trails were wonderful.  Later that evening Rick and Sherri came in with Daisy and Donkey Nate (who turned out to be Marys boy friend).  Little did  Redhorse know that her mule was a love sick teenager until Saturday morning when we all hit the trail.  The best thing about Friday night we got pizza delivered to our trailers now that is what I call trailer service.  That evening we were lucky and missed all the bad weather that went around us we did have a little cold front come in and that made it even nicer on Saturday

Saturday morning Bryan and Megan went to the game and walk and all the OSU events while
The mule riders hit the trail to see what Lake Carl Blackwell had to offer.  We had a little rodeo at the start with the cooler temps and love in the air but it all worked out we just tightened those cinches and serparted the love struck teenagers.

                                              We are going to make it by sundown

                                              Redhorse and Mary

                                                     Rooster says really we can not find some place closer!

The Gypsy gals and the Texas Tornados went down the blue trail and Pam and her gang went down the orange.  The blue trail is about 10 miles and famous for rattlesnake ridge (we did not see any) and is one of the more popular trails the orange is one of the oldest trails and it goes around the lake. We saw lots of deer and wild flowers still in bloom you could see the change in the leaves fall was definitely in the air.  The trails are wonderful a little of something for everyone.  We also ventured over to the red trail to see the cave.  That afternoon, Triston and I went for a short ride in the afternoon and saw quail, squirrels and those mule eating deer.  Bryan and Megan came back from the game and all the could talk about was a contriversal play that cost the Cowboys the game.  "It happened right in front of us.  We were right there.... It should have never happened"  They soon got over the devastating loss when we broke out a ton of food for a potluck feast and awards were given to Palomino Patty and Joyce Bell for their VTP hours.  The night ended with a group chorus with everyone was singing songs around the camp fire.
                                                   Joyce Bell  100 hr achievments. Zone 4 Director Rick Pledger
                                                       Carol donated to the VTP Program
Congrats to Patti Abershien  100 hr achievments. Zone 4 Director Rick Pledger

Sunday morning Triston lead some of us out on the yellow trail for a short ride before we had to head home.  We came back to camp and was treated to Sherri's famous chicken salad sandwiches.  What a great weekend meeting new friends, great trails, always wonderful food and mules.  Life just does not get better then that!

                                                   He loves him

                                                 Heading home

Lake Carl Blackwell has over 50 miles of trails and has 18 hook ups, dry camping, pens, wash rack and round pen. The horse campground is even ADA accessible for special needs riders.  You could not ask for better camping and trails. Thank you David, Don  and everyone else that does trail work out there it is wonderful.

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